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Mr Sportswear Europe

To find out everything about the community title and the organization of the competition, you’ve come to the right place.

Martin, Mr Sportswear Europe 2022

The origin

Launched at the initiative of the Amsterdam Sportswear Weekend, the very first edition of the Mr Sportswear Europe contest took place in May 2022, in Amsterdam. Since then, the organization has been taken over by USE. This biennial event, held in different cities in rotation, aims to find the ultimate ambassador for the European sportswear community, someone who embodies its values and aspirations. Currently, Martin (from Germany) holds the title.

Mr Sportswear Europe 2024 - Brussels

Edition 2024

After Amsterdam, Brussels is gearing up to host the competition in 2024. This time, it’s a collaboration between USE, #BEsneax, and Brussels Rainbow Village that is orchestrating the event in the capital of Europe. Beyond the competition itself, three days of exciting activities are planned, aiming to entertain sportswear enthusiasts while also raising awareness among the general public about the true essence of this fetishism.

Mr Sportswear Europe 2024 - Sneax in the Jungle

Friday 21 June 2024

Sportswear Party

Dancing & cruising party for sportswear and sneakers fans. Strict dress code 100% sportswear.

Order your ticket below.

Election of Mr Sportswear Europe 2024

Saturday 22 June 2024

Open air contest

Join us at Rue du Marché au Charbon for an all day open air fair including the Election of Mr Sportswear Europe 2024.

Free access!

Mr Sportswear Europe 2024 - Brunch

Sunday 23 June 2024

Social & Chillout

Let’s share a brunch with the new Mr Sportswear Europe 2024 followed by a social drink.

Order your ticket below.

Promo brochure

Click on the cover to download it.

Learn more


Applications for the contest are open until 20 June in the afternoon.


If the election show is free, consider purchasing tickets for the Friday party and Sunday brunch.

Partner Hotels

Take advantage of the exceptional offers negotiated with our partner hotels. Two options: 3* nearby or 4* a little further away.


Mr Sportswear Europe 2024 - Candidates


The contest is open to all sportswear fans from the European continent, and the winner will become the ambassador of his community for two years. Winning a national title is not a prerequisite for participation. It’s a unique experience that brings a lot on a personal level. The contest is endowed with numerous prizes. Participation implies full acceptance of the rules.

Mr Sportswear Europe 2024 - Tickets


The election show will take place outdoors on a stage surrounded by community bars, and admission is completely free. In addition to the candidates’ performances, various LGBTQIA+ artists will showcase exclusive performances. Presale tickets are available for the Friday night event, while reservations are required to attend the Sunday brunch. Click the button below to purchase your tickets.

Mr Sportswear Europe 2024 - Partner Hotel

Partner Hotels

To accommodate our visitors in the best conditions, we have negotiated exclusive offers in two renowned hotels in the capital. Booking through our website and ake advantage of particularly competitive rates for the duration of our event.